Jason portaging Knucklehead
Jason explaining something
Corey Hall - Big Bang
So far this kayaking season is shaping up to be one of the best I can remember. We are about 8 inches over average for rain currently in Chattanooga (and probably everywhere in the SE). In kayaking I have set a couple of goals for the next couple of years and was able to tick one off last week with a run of Bear Creek running off Lookout Mountain. Although it was a minimum level (10"), it was still incredible quality and by far the best run I have done in the southeast and possibly anywhere. I was with a great guide and am looking forward to trying to get the lines down considering it is very close to my house. Christmas day I was able to go kayaking with Jason one of my best kayaking friends. This was a rare treat as it is hard to keep the man away from the Tellico. We had good run down Suck Creek and although pressed for time, I had a great time. I have this new Olympus Stylus waterproof camera and am trying to figure out how to use it so my pictures are not the best, but it sure is convenient.